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VAT in the Restaurant Industry 2023: A Complete Guide

Navigating the sales tax landscape is critical for anyone in the restaurant industry. With the right knowledge, you can not only ensure compliance with the law, but also strategically maximize the profitability of your business. This guide is here to clarify everything you need to know about VAT in the restaurant sector and how to smartly manage this crucial part of your business.

November 2, 2023

Why is VAT knowledge important?

A clear understanding of sales tax is necessary to accurately report sales and manage cash flows. Your revenue can be significantly affected depending on how well you manage the VAT levied on your products and services. To avoid common mistakes, you should be aware of common accounting mistakes restaurants make and how to avoid them.


What is VAT? The ABC of VAT

Value Added Tax, or VAT, is a consumption tax applied to almost all goods and services sold for consumption within the European Union. As a restaurant owner, it is not only important to understand the basics of VAT, but also how it is specifically applied in your industry.

Specific VAT rates for the restaurant industry

In Sweden, it is essential to know the different VAT rates applied. For restaurants, the standard VAT rate is 12%, but it's important to note that this does not apply across the board. When it comes to serving spirits, wine and strong beer, you will have to charge the general tax rate of 25%. This applies not only to those drinks themselves but to the entire service that includes the serving of those drinks.

If your establishment serves wine for dinner, for example, the portion of the service that relates to the wine should be taxed at 25%. It is crucial that you clearly divide the taxable amount between food (12%) and alcoholic beverages (25%) if they are offered at a common price.

Practical tips for VAT processing

By being proactive and well-organized in your VAT management, you can avoid the pitfalls that many restaurant owners encounter. Here are three handy tips:

VAT registration:

Register your restaurant for VAT well in advance. This should be done no later than two weeks before your opening. Neglecting this can result in unnecessary fines.

Manage VAT refunds and deductions:

Create a reliable process to save all receipts and invoices. These documents are necessary for your VAT return and to maximize the possibilities of VAT refund.

Keep an eye on the VAT rates:

Always be aware of the current VAT rates for different parts of your service. Proper pricing is key to avoid complications with the Swedish Tax Agency.


Summing up

For restaurant entrepreneurs, the understanding of VAT and its application to services and products is not only a duty, but also an element of successful business management. Remember that the standard VAT rate for restaurants is 12%, but the higher rate of 25% must be applied to all services related to alcohol.

Additional resources

For more detailed information, it is recommended to visit the Skatteverket and the Swedish Tax Agency's websites where you can find in-depth material on VAT rules and how they are applied.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I have to pay higher VAT for alcohol even if it is served with food?

Yes, the portion of your service that includes alcoholic beverages should be taxed at 25%, even if they are served as part of a meal.

2. How often should I report and pay VAT?

It depends on your turnover. Usually, the VAT return must be submitted monthly, quarterly or annually.

3. What digital tools can facilitate VAT management?

Programs like Visma and Fortnox's are popular tools that can simplify the process. As a customer of Saldo, your VAT processing is handled automatically.

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