Sofia Bengtsson in profile
Mattias Aphram in profile
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Fokusera på det du gör bäst – vi tar hand om resten

Saldo Tech är redovisningstjänsten som låter dig fokusera på dina styrkor. Precis som du är expert på IT och teknik, är vi experter på redovisning och administration. Med vår skräddarsydda redovisningstjänst för IT-konsulter tar vi hand om allt det administrativa och ekonomiska, så att du kan lägga all din energi på det som betyder mest – dina kunder och projekt – och när man helhjärtat fokuserar på det man gör bäst, brukar dessutom resultaten följa naturligt.

Ekonomioutsourcing, fast smartare


Söker du smartare redovisningslösningar?

Vi erbjuder gratis konsultationer där vi dyker djupare i era behov

Skräddarsydd redovisning för IT-konsulter

Att hålla koll på redovisningen kan kännas överväldigande, men som kund hos oss tar vi hand om allt det komplexa. Vi säkerställer att alla viktiga datum följs, att årsredovisningen lämnas in i tid och att skattekontot övervakas noggrant. Du kan känna dig trygg med att allt blir korrekt skött, så att du kan fokusera på din kärnverksamhet.

Vad ingår i Saldo Tech?

Rubbet. Med Saldo Tech får du en helhetstjänst som gör din ekonomihantering som IT-konsult enkel och effektiv. Vi tar hand om allt från löpande bokföring till årsredovisningar. Det enda du behöver göra är att ta hand om fyra enkla uppgifter:

  1. Du fakturerar
  2. Du godkänner leverantörsfakturan
  3. Du fotar dina kvitton
  4. Du registrerar avvikelser för lön

Resten sköter vi.



"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt
"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt
"I receive great monthly reports, quick responses, and flexibility in problem-solving."
Maria Bühler, Kogita Psykologi
"The best thing about Saldo is the personal service you receive and the close collaboration to ensure the best for the company, both in times of success and setbacks."
Peggy Fagergren, Mr Cake
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is that we receive really good advice from someone who has gotten to know our company and understands our business. The availability is also a big plus—if any questions or issues arise, Saldo is always quick to respond."
Gustav Palm, Search Intent
"We outsourced our entire finance department to Saldo. We've gained much more efficient routines and access to decision-making data much earlier. Now we can focus on what we do best."
Jonas Westerberg, Westerbeg & Partners
"The best part of being a client of Saldo is their knowledgeable and friendly staff, as well as their seamless service!"
John Forssell, Miyakodori
"Working with Saldo feels like working with an extended arm within our own company. You work together as part of the same team; it doesn’t feel like working with an external provider at all. You can tell that Saldo cares about the client’s needs and takes them seriously."
Oscar Radeborn, Grabbarna Flytt

Kontakta oss

Redo att ta kontroll över din ekonomi?

Ni har inget att förlora på att boka ett möte med oss på Saldo. I värsta fall har ni druckit en kopp gott kaffe, besökt ett härligt kontor och spenderat en stund av era liv med mycket trevliga människor. I bästa fall har ni hittat en redovisningsbyrå som kommer göra allt för att ta ert företag till nästa nivå.

Vänligen fyll i dina kontaktuppgifter nedan så kommer vi snabbt tillbaka till dig för att boka in mötet. Vi ser fram emot att förenkla er ekonomihantering!

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