Sofia Bengtsson in profile
Mattias Aphram in profile
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about Saldo

Proud and happy — we go to work every morning with the ambition and innovation to take our business to new heights. Our vibrant office is home to outstanding employees who go above and beyond for our clients every day. The atmosphere we've created encourages everyone to grow according to their own potential, to find their own paths, and to be bold. We educate, support, and challenge each other so that we grow as individuals, and of course, so that our clients receive the best and most competent service in the industry.

Continue reading — to hear what our CEO has to say, and then scroll down to learn about our journey to becoming the company we are today and what we look forward to in the near future.

Chief Executive Officer

Matthias Aphram

The growth and development of our company is an ongoing journey, one that is incredibly exciting and rewarding to be a part of. At its core, it's really just about respect and simplicity. Respect for the people around us—our employees, and of course, our clients. Simplicity, because it's easier that way; why complicate things when the shortest distance between two points is the straightest line?

I've been at Saldo for over 10 years now and can’t imagine being anywhere else. We constantly break new ground and always have fun at work. I am incredibly proud and grateful to be part of the team I work with and to represent such a wonderful company.



The world entered a new millennium, and on June 30th of that same year, Saldo was founded. The company initially focused on helping café and restaurant businesses, as the founders had their background in that industry.

However, it didn’t take long before other industries were represented in Saldo's client base. Alongside a few dedicated team members at our office, then located on Västmannagatan in Stockholm, we worked tirelessly to improve our clients' daily lives and to build a warm and family-like workplace.

Saldo has always had broad and deep knowledge in accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, and running a business. However, during the agency’s first 10 years, all bookkeeping was done the traditional way. For those who don’t know, this meant manually sorting through piles of invoices and receipts, entering numbers into clunky systems, and storing everything in countless binders—tedious and very time-consuming. A change was needed to give us the space to develop the business.


Office image



There are several pivotal years in Saldo's history, and 2010 was one of them. That year, our current CEO, Matias Aphram, began his internship with us. This marked the beginning of our journey from analog to digital work methods, and the change we needed became a reality.

The transition was far from the easiest thing we've done. We leaped into the digital world as if jumping off a cliff—not literally, but that’s how it felt, going from one day to the next. Yes, it was a total disaster at first. It was a tough but incredibly rewarding period. A period that shaped our future and instilled a resilience that remains with us today.

When the trial by fire was over, we had managed to find tools and workflows that were highly successful—for our clients and for us. Along the way, we attracted fantastic employees who were drawn to our new way of working. We also gained recognition in the industry. We were nominated three times for the most prestigious award, "Future Firm of the Year." The last time, we won—in 2017. Since then, we’ve continued to grow and work hard with a clear focus on always staying at the forefront, both as a company and within our industry.


Every event in our history has shaped Saldo into what it is today. It has created a company that embodies quality, courage, knowledge, proactivity, awareness, sustainability, and above all, commitment and innovation. And it shows in everything we do.

Digital accounting is, of course, a significant part of who we are, but we are much more than that. We are a sounding board, and for us, personal contact with our clients is what we value most.

It is with joy, anticipation, and a burning drive that we enter 2024. With a record start to the year and new clients and colleagues joining our team, we are ready for the next step. We are constantly striving to become the obvious choice when it comes to accounting. Together, we have created a history we are proud of, and we look forward to writing the next chapter together with you.

+40 employees
+500 customers
+60,000 working hours


Thank you for being there

About our amazing employees

On parental leave


Martin Jansson

On parental leave


Ida Martinsson

On parental leave



On parental leave

Grundare av

Per Albin Wilhelmsson

On parental leave

Vice VD - Auktoriserad redovisningskonsult

Alex Chamoun

On parental leave

Verksamhetsansvarig & Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Maria Wiklund Johansson

On parental leave

Implementeringsansvarig - Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Oscar Blas

On parental leave

Frontend Developer

David Saupe

On parental leave

Gruppledare & Lönekonsult

Karin Ståhl

On parental leave

Gruppledare & Redovisningskonsult

John Hyttner

On parental leave

Ansvarig reskontra

Evelina Wohlström

On parental leave


Rebecka Knås

On parental leave


Elin Erkendal

On parental leave


Linda Jallo

On parental leave


Elisabeth Widerström

On parental leave


Achraf Chentouf

On parental leave

Implementeringsansvarig - Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Linus Lindholm

On parental leave

Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Marcus Wohlström

On parental leave


Klara Eriksson

On parental leave


Erica Wartmark

On parental leave

VD - Sälj

Matias Aphram

On parental leave


Gustav Lindwall

On parental leave


Jelena Österlind

On parental leave

Kvalitetsansvarig & Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Angelica Thörnqvist

On parental leave

Digital Designer

Albin Carlsson

On parental leave


Angie Jimenez

On parental leave

Grundare av

Oliver Lundkvist

On parental leave

Gruppledare & Auktoriserad Redovisningskonsult

Rasmus Mellquist

On parental leave

Gruppledare & Redovisningskonsult

George Sharro

On parental leave


Derya Kuzey

On parental leave


Linnea Westerlundh

On parental leave


Alice Karlsson

On parental leave


Daniel Helgen

On parental leave


Hanna Dahl

On parental leave

Ansvarig reskontra

Nahrin Sharro