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Can I buy a lion on my business card?

If you want to be sure, you should definitely contact us. It can save you a lot of money, a lot of unnecessary worry and actually give you very good input on what is possible or not.

April 2, 2021

Can I buy a lion on my company card


Yep, of course you can if you're Zlatan, or if you're a Zoo, lion breeder or have a business that somehow feeds on lions.


Yes, you can basically buy anything at the company, but it has to do with your business and of course contribute something to your business. You should be able to do business on it. So buy on.


Examples of things that occur more often than lions are the purchase of:

- Boat

- Vacation home

- Recreational animals, horse type

- Gadgets that might be fun to have, like a whopping TV that's a “computer monitor” or an expensive damn camera etc.

When it comes to boats and holiday homes, the Swedish Tax Agency looks at something called utilisation rate, i.e. they find out how much of the year you have rented the boat or house and then require you to pay preferential tax for the rest of the year. This is because the Swedish Tax Agency considers that you have had the opportunity to use the boat or house for private use. You can avoid preferential taxation if you can prove that you did not have that opportunity, the boat may have been stored or similar.


Most things you buy that are not considered (even if you claim it yourself) to be part of your business, you will be reimbursed by the Swedish Tax Agency, through tax surcharges and/or penalties. If you want to be sure that you are doing the right thing, contact us, it can save you a lot of money, unnecessary worry and give you very good input on what is the best solution for you and your company.


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