I will be 120 years old, the oldest person in Sweden | Saldo accountancy
How old can one get? Sweden's oldest person at 113 years old, Astrid Zachrison, died in 2008. The oldest living Swedish person today, Flarid Lagerlund, is 111 years and almost 5 months. The oldest men have lived in a relationship but the oldest women seem to have lived as singles. I don't know what that depends on, but an interesting observation.
June 26, 2021
All my life I have decided that I will not be over 60 a day, after all, it can still happen, five years to go. My idea of life has always been based on how things have looked in my family in the past. In a straight line of descent four generations back, men have stepped down from physical life between the ages of 40 and 60. That means it's between me and my brother. My brother has passed 60, then there is only me left. Hmm... but I'm not done yet.
There is no clue why my ancestors died early. Sometimes it's been the heart, one ate himself to death, he was a restaurateur. I've been a restaurateur in my past life and yes even some now too 😊, but the alcohol didn't take me and never will, even though I love the wine. My father, who at the age of 50, was abducted far too early when I was only 15, due to cancer. Cruel, cruel disease. Fuck cancer.
Over all the years I have told myself that it will be my brother or I who fold in the hooves before 60 and now he has crossed this limit. But hey... it can't stop, NO, then I'm going to change my whole so habitual mindset, I'm going to be 120 years old. But what does it mean, no idea, how will I solve it, no idea, but I will.
Now it is important to understand from my own life, my own body, my own brain what this can mean. How am I going to solve it? I will try, as I have always done in my life so far, to listen to my own desires, desires, desires and drives. What do I think I should do to be 120 years old?
A few things landed pretty quickly, like:
- Move, exercise both skin and strength. But not too hard, then the body is torn. I'm not going to run a lot of races, I'm not going to break any records. I will move so that my heart and muscles work. It's spelled just right and you're the only one to find your own right.
- Eat. “You should eat or you die” It was on our refrigerator door when I was young and it's true. Food is important, and I'm thinking colorful food, very green, vegetarian as a base. Of course I will eat meat but much smaller portions, that goes for all food. You don't need as much food as you think, I'm not a lumberjack, farmer or viking. We are not designed to eat so much, but it takes time for the body to get used to a smaller amount and a larger intake of vegetables if you have always eaten a lot and often perhaps with a large base of meat.
- You have to have something sensible to do, something that you are interested in, something that moves you forward every single day. Some people might want to keep working, then you do, or take up their absolute biggest hobby, but do it then. Above all, I'm not going to sit down and wait for something, I'm going to make sure I'm active. Nothing will come automatically, there must be a will.
- Be positive, maybe not the easiest thing, ask me, 😊 but a hugely important part in growing old in my opinion. Say YES, not NO. Turn a bad thought into a good thought. If it's cold in the water don't say wistful, tell the four phase how cold, I have to try this. Not everyone can love everyone, but everyone always has something interesting in them, I will find it in every person. Find the positive in every person, thought, event.
- And maybe the most important thing, I'm going to spend time with people physically. Sociability is one of the most important and strongest vital nerves of a human being. Sure it's super nice to be able to close the door and run away from all the people sometimes and you absolutely have to do that, but socializing with people, making love with people, talking to people gives you so much energy and it will serve as a catapult long into old age. It will enrich life, awesome.
It was my own scientific list, and I am utterly convinced that it is not correct, at least not on you. You must understand for yourself what it is that makes you strong, energetic and happy, it is your own promise to yourself, remember that. No damn “find yourself” books in the world can make you happy, only your own head, heart, and desire. Trust your own feelings and thoughts, it is by far the most important tool you have in your life.
Will this happen now, it is only a few years until I am 60 years old? Am I up to it? I have no idea, but I'm already noticing things happening as I've started shifting my mind to being 120 years old. Already after a short period, the horizon lifted past those 60 years and excitement towards old age began. I have always felt very bad about growing old, how the body is slowly torn apart, the memory crackles and just getting up in the morning with a slightly stiffer body is becoming more and more a reality. But the idea of a longer life has made all this easier. Can it be so easy to deceive the body by changing its mindset? Yes maybe, for me it feels better. Is it the trick of always having something positive to look forward to that is the thing. Yeah, I don't know, but the way I feel right now and as my worldview has become more positive, I'm going to swear to continue like that.
But never forget to be yourself, because that is the most important thing you have, never behave, never try to think that you are going to be someone else. You are the most important piece of the puzzle that exists in your life, strengthen and gild it, then bastards.
And now I haven't even lived half my life. 55 years, 65 years to go. Oyo-yo 😊
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