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The Man with the Rudely Long Eyelashes | Saldo Accounting

September 30, 2019

I really feel bad about accounting, or whatever it is wrong, thought bad is more true.

Accounting today is actually exciting and creates a lot of lovely meetings with good people. I left accounting 26 years ago because I felt that it was extremely rigid, boring and unsexy. The restaurant industry called, a number of cafes, restaurants, bars, damn fun and lots of alcohol later this era was over. Oh, thank goodness. The coolest industry in the world but wow how it wears on you. In the meantime, we had started a small agency to help just companies in the restaurant industry, there were many who needed help. Back to those urtriest, uncreative piles of paper. At the same time, it was nice to step out of the smoke of restaurant life.

Then what happens only in fairy tales happened, into our then ratty, dark, little accounting firm he steps in, that handsome, tall, young 22-year-old with those rudely long eyelashes. The savior and savior Matias Aphram. Internship at Saldo with the promise of a possible employment. He accepted and took to himself and asked - Why do you guys work like this? We didn't have a good answer, we thought it was a good way to work. Matias continued - Why don't we do this? He showed us and we said yes, why don't we do that. This was about 10 years ago, and that beautiful guy started our shift towards digital accounting.

Spread envelopes, fold out receipts, copy documents, invoices to insert into different binders, move from one binder to another. Horribly circumstantial and holes in the head. Agda, 57, fastest person in analog accounting doesn't work with us anymore. Now it's Michael, Alex, Elena, Evelina et al., who all come in with a completely different way of thinking and a different mindset. Paper lovers do not bother to cross our threshold. Customers loved the digital, we loved it. Our customers loved him, we loved him. We could now get on with our lives without a bunch of unnecessary double and triple jobs. We were able to start living, customers became happier and all of our profitability much better. End good all good.

For us yes, but why isn't that the case at all agencies and why hasn't it happened more than it has is the question. I am extremely thoughtful, at the same time I know the answer. In addition to saving agency owners everywhere, the fault lies also with entrepreneurs who do not dare to change the way they work and who do not require digital management. If you're one of them then the call is; you've got to start changing, you've got to start taking some steps forward. Come on, we'll help you!

I get on my racing bike, heading home on an early Friday afternoon with a new customer in my headset. She tells us about their change. Helena, as she is called, now picks her children up at school twice a week, this never happened before. She and her husband now hang out together several nights a week. She said, “When I started my business, one goal was to have more freedom, but it's only now that I've got it. A big thank you to you”.

This is part of my desire and power to do what I do every day. The longer I work the more similar stories I get to hear.

I come home after cruising through the now heated bicycle traffic of Stockholmstrafiken, serving up the dinner food bought for the evening in the neighborhood's awesome Indian restaurant. Lovely aroma and amazing taste.

Our trainee, our savior, the one with those long eyelashes, Matias Aphram, is now CEO and co-owner with us at Saldo, so it can be done.

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