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External accounting - what is & is classified as external accounting?

External accounting, known in law as business accounting, is about reproducing the results of a company for a certain period. It is, among other things, through their external accounting that companies communicate their financial position and results to the outside world. Thus, it is not only a process that is important for the management of the company, but also for its external stakeholders such as shareholders, investors, lenders and government agencies.

November 28, 2023

What is external accounting?

As the name suggests, external accounting is aimed at external stakeholders and the point is that external parties should be able to obtain a transparent and fair view of the financial health of the company. This means that external accounting is basically about recording business events, which by extension means that any event that directly affects the balance sheet can be classified as external accounting.


Legislation and standards

In Sweden, external accounting is regulated by laws such as Accounting Act and Annual Accounts Act. These laws ensure that accounting complies with GAAP and provides an accurate picture of the financial position of the company.

External accounting vs internal accounting

While external accounting focuses on reporting to external stakeholders, internal accounting aims to provide insights and information for internal decision makers within the company. Internal accounting is an important tool for business management to make informed decisions about the future direction and strategies of the company.


External accounting is a fundamental part of a company's overall accounting function. It helps companies maintain transparency and trust among stakeholders and plays a critical role in presenting the financial health of the company. An understanding of both external and internal accounting is central to companies striving for success and growth in today's competitive economic environment.

Questions and Answers about External Accounting

1. What are the main components of an external accounting?

Important components of external accounting include accounting (documentation of all financial transactions), annual accounts (containing income statement, balance sheet, and sometimes cash flow analysis), and for larger companies, consolidated financial statements.

2. Why is external accounting important for a company?

External accounting is important for creating transparency and trust with external stakeholders. It helps companies attract and retain investors, maintain good relationships with lenders, and meet regulatory requirements. Accurate and timely information from external accounting is essential to demonstrate the financial health of the company.

3. What laws govern external accounting in Sweden?

In Sweden, external accounting is governed by the Accounting Act and the Annual Accounts Act, which ensure that the company's accounts comply with GAAP and provide a fair view of the company's financial position.

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