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It's about your life - your path to digitalization and a better life | Saldo Redovisning

August 31, 2019

It's about your life


As early as the eighties, there was talk of the paperless office. Then everyone shook their heads and said it will never happen. True because that didn't happen that much in about 30 years. But now, now it's happening.


It may have to do with maturity, technology has gotten better or that it has actually finally been pushed on from below by everyone in the younger able-bodied generation taking an ever larger place. Birgersson preached broadband to everyone in the nineties, visionary as he was, he looked a little too far ahead. He got it right, but a little later than he wanted. The supposed IT boom came a little later, which caused his company to sink like a stone on the stock exchange. But Birgersson has a lot to thank for, he pushed the development forward. We need people like Birgersson, but also people who can tell and take care of all the visionary thoughts in order to bring it out at the pace that allows the rest of the world to catch up.


The undocumented society has been foreseen for a very long time and especially in our industry. However, I think development has been extremely slow because we are extremely conservative. But now it's over with that. Now we all have to bring out all the spring change propensity or we're screwed. It's finally happening, I'm shaky of what opportunities we have in front of us. Everyone hears the word dare nowadays and that's actually what it's all about, daring. It's so easy to throw yourself away and say you have to dare. But it's harder when your whole life has been done in a special way and now your whole life is thrown over. How the hell are we going to make it? We do, it will be felt, all the changes are felt. Sometimes it's a bit tough but in the big picture life will feel more beautiful and the question you ask yourself is: Why haven't we done this before.


I will try to give you a number of important points on which we need to put a little more energy into and in order for us to really dare to take the step.


These steps have been developed in light of our own journey from analogue to working completely digitally today. We jumped out of the cliff without parachutes and it hurt, really hurt. a lot of things happened that we were not prepared for and that is why we want to share these steps with us and several of the steps are made so that you do not jump off the cliff without a parachute. You will jump with a parachute, a thick mat at the bottom plus the cliff will be divided into a number of ledges. That is, this is going to go well either way. Enjoy the ride, it's awesome.



The Golden Steps:

· You have to want to or else it's run from the start. You can't cheat then it will just get very messy and indistinct

· Select one or two companies where your contact person really wants to step into the digital world. Same here, you have to go all in and so does the customer. Well, now you have the two most important steps. For you have passed the human brake, the greatest obstacle to development.

· Choose a partner for your accounting system. Kill your darlings if necessary. The program must be a web-based system, point end.

· Let the software provider teach you the program, if they don't want it, choose another

· Settings in the program. This is one of the most critical points in your work. We all need to make sure that the basic settings, such as the right VAT linked to the right account among many others. Here, the program provider must show its muscles. In digital work, the basic settings become terribly important for our work to be right.

· Now the customer, yes it can sometimes take some time to get the customer to land in a new working pattern, but have patience. All this work will pay off. The customer usually feels that they get an added value and in turn saves a lot of time and energy.

· Now you've taken the plunge! And now the work begins.

· It will take a little time to get the stones to land in the right place, you will do wrong, you will work double even when you do not have to, but most importantly of all when always doing new things, try, dare, challenge, think “what if I do this”. Life is about trial and error. All the mistakes you can pick up and learn from. It's hard, but it brings results, big results.

You don't need to be in a hurry, you're on your way, on one of the coolest work trips you've ever been on.


It was hard, but it wasn't as hard as everyone said.


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